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Thursday, February 24, 2022

How Journaling Helps

Feeling overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, sad or depressed?  Journaling can help.

How does journaling help?

Journaling helps with managing symptoms and regulating or improving your mood. 

How Journaling Helps
How Journaling Helps

A great number of written research and articles confirm the benefits of journaling.  You can read previous blog posts on “Research on Journaling” and “Journaling Benefits” for more information.

The research indicates journaling brings tremendous benefits such as improved productivity, better memory, healthier relationships, and improved mental and physical health.

Journaling on a regular basis helps with identifying and processing negative feelings and with alleviating anxiety.   

The University of Rochester Medical Center website indicates how journaling helps.  Journaling helps by:

  1. Helping you prioritize problems, fears, and concerns
  2. Tracking any symptoms day-to-day so that you can recognize triggers and learn ways to better control them
  3. Provides an opportunity for positive self-talk and identifying negative thoughts and behaviors

The University of Rochester Medical center website further states, “When you have a problem and you’re stressed, keeping a journal can help you identify what’s causing that stress or anxiety.  Once you have identified your stressors, you can work on a plan to resolve the problems and reduce your stress.”

How Journaling Helps - benefits

Journaling helps with having greater intention in your decisions, actions, and behaviors.  It brings greater clarity and allows time to think through negative feelings, issues, and helps in determining the best potential solutions.

Greater mindfulness results from journaling.  Journaling helps individuals to realize the many wonderful and great things they have or that surround them.  Gratitude journaling will bring awareness of the things, people, events, etc. that bring you joy and that you are grateful for.  At times we have a tendency to focus on the negative or the things outside our control or what doesn’t bring us joy.  By being intentional on the good things, people, and events in our lives and recognizing the things we are grateful for, elevates your mood and brings greater joy.

Journaling allows time to organize thoughts and allows individuals to break from negative thought patterns and self-doubt. 

The previous blog post on “Leadership and Journaling” discusses the benefits of journaling as leaders such as:  reflection, greater self-awareness, and personal / professional growth from the practice of journaling.  Those same benefits apply to anyone who routinely journals.

Personally for me, journaling helps bring greater intentionality to my actions, words, and relationships.  I become more value driven with my actions and decisions.  They are better aligned with my personal values and I feel a greater sense of empowerment.  Journaling allows me to organize my thoughts and determine what actions and events align with deeply rooted values, goals, and principles. 

It also allows me time to process and reflect on feedback or negative messaging I receive from others and to digest and process that feedback or situations so I can respond rather than react.

How Journaling Helps - Decisions and Clarity

Especially in difficult times, challenging situations, or when making difficult decisions, journaling helps bring greater awareness, reflection, and to organize thoughts to bring clarity and focus.  It gives time and space to determine what really is important and to make decisions with greater awareness, mindfulness, and brings greater intentionality to your actions. 

Journaling allows time to reflect and process your feelings, motives, and to determine what is important.  Journaling can bring clarity on the legacy you want to leave, what lasting impressions you want to have with neighbors and friends, and assess important relationships.  Most importantly it allows you to be more intentional with your time.

Journaling provides freedom and space to express your thoughts and to eliminate noise or reduce anxiety.  It allows you to focus on what brings joy, purpose, fulfillment, and allows you to determine the actions that matter the most to you and the actions that are most important.

Journaling can change your life  

An article I read by Benjamin Hardy, PH.D. published on titled, “Keeping A Daily Journal Could Change Your Life.  You know exactly what you want in life,” confirms what the research indicates and the points made above. 

Benjamin Hardy feels “Journaling Accelerates Your Ability to Manifest Your Goals.”  Benjamin indicates, “use your journal to review and hone your daily to-do list . . . . As you read and rewrite your goals daily, they’ll become forged into your subconscious mind.  Eventually, your dreams and vision will consume your inner world and quickly become your physical reality.”

Benjamin also states, “Journaling brings greater clarity and congruence into your life,” and emphasizes, “Journaling improves your ability to make small and large decisions along the way.”

Benjamin confirms many additional benefits:

  • Reducing scatter in your life
  • Greater stability
  • Deeper level of learning, order, action, and release
  • Holding thoughts still so they can be changed and integrated
  • Releasing pent-up thoughts and emotions
  • Empowerment
  • Bridging inner thinking with outer events
  • Detaching and letting go of the past
  • Allowing you to re-experience the past with today’s adult mind

With so many positive benefits of journaling, including the ability to process emotions, get clarity of thought, and greater intention of your actions, words, and behaviors, journaling is an important step to greater clarify and fulfillment in life.

The most powerful aspect of journaling to me is that it helps manage stress, provides greater stability, and brings greater congruence in life. 

So how does journaling help?  It helps to process negative thoughts and emotions, organizes your thoughts, brings greater clarity and mindfulness on what is important, and deepens your level of learning, actions, and intention.

How to start?

Journaling is quite easy to start.  Purchase a journal or notebook on line and start free writing.  Write down your feelings, problems, and thoughts.  Write down what you are grateful for.  If you are not sure what to write then I would suggest using journaling prompts.  There are many journaling prompts (questions) available that you can answer to help you get started.  Take a look at 50 best prompts for journaling on the blog.

The benefit and reward of journaling is tremendous as it will help you to manage stress and allows for greater joy, fulfillment, and purpose in life.  I wish you the best with journaling and if we can help in anyway drop us a comment.

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I am James Bamberger, an experienced long term investor, MBA, PMP, and Certified Scrum Master who enjoys traveling, the outdoors, family, and spending time with my four kids. You will find Information on leadership, journaling, investing, travel, and the outdoors here. Post a comment if you don't find the information you are looking for. We (my oldest daughter and I) are adding new material often.

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