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Friday, January 28, 2022

Leadership and Journaling

Do you want to be an Outstanding Leader?

This week I came across two articles on the importance of journaling as a leader.  

The first is an article on Skip Prichard’s website ( titled, “Why Journaling Makes Better Leaders”.  

The second is from the Harvard Business Review titled, “Want to Be an Outstanding Leader? Keep a Journal” by Nancy Adler.  

The Harvard Business review article by Nancy Adler starts with the following statement, “Research has documented that outstanding leaders take time to reflect.  Their success depends on the ability to access their unique perspective and bring it to their decisions and sense-making every day.”

As leaders it is important for us to have the courage to share our unique perspective and use it for decision making and action taking.

Nancy Adler concludes her article simply with, “Using a journal regularly will give you the courage to see the world differently, to understand the world differently, and to lead in new and needed ways.”  

The article by Bruce Rhoades on provides some powerful insight on how journaling helps improves leadership abilities.  

Bruce shares the following areas where he felt journaling improved his leadership abilities:

Better Organization
Improved Decision Making
Improved Demeanor, Attitude, and Judgment
Enhanced Intention
Positive Reinforcement

The article goes into further details on each of the 5 areas specifically where journaling resulted in significant improvements.  

The areas of “Improved Demeanor, Attitude, and Judgment”, “Enhanced Intention”, and “Positive Reinforcement” are extremely important to be present and to be a servant leader to your people and in your organization.
So, start journaling today to be an outstanding leader, to have the “courage to see the world differently”, and to use your unique perspective to lead and make decisions with purpose and intention. 

Share your thoughts and unique perspective in the comments.

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I am James Bamberger, an experienced long term investor, MBA, PMP, and Certified Scrum Master who enjoys traveling, the outdoors, family, and spending time with my four kids. You will find Information on leadership, journaling, investing, travel, and the outdoors here. Post a comment if you don't find the information you are looking for. We (my oldest daughter and I) are adding new material often.

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