Fall Home Maintenance Checklist
Home ownership is rewarding, exciting, and with the proper home maintenance your home will last a long time. If this is your first time owning a house or you have owned a house for many years, it is important to do regular and preventative maintenance to keep your home in great shape. The following Fall home maintenance checklist will help in keeping your house in tip top shape.
ㅁ Inspect roof, attic, and crawlspace for any signs of damage or moisture
ㅁ Clean Gutters and Downspouts frequently throughout the fall
Lawn Care
ㅁ Fertilize Lawn
ㅁ Trim shrubs and trees
ㅁ Remove outdoor hoses, insulate pipes and faucets if necessary
Exterior Walls, Doors, and Windows
ㅁ Check dryer vent and clean if necessary
ㅁ Replace any light bulbs that have burnt out
ㅁ Check doors and windows for cracks and apply caulking or weather stripping if necessary
Heating and Cooling
ㅁ Replace air filters as needed
ㅁ Clean Air ducts
ㅁ Inspect heating and furnace system, verify it is in good working order
ㅁ Verify for proper insulation thickness and ventilation is occurring
ㅁ Visually inspect attic for mold
ㅁ Visually inspect for signs of animal or rodent infestation
ㅁ Examine for signs of a roof leak
Fire Safety
ㅁ Confirm expiration dates on fire extinguishers and replace expired ones
ㅁ Test and maintain fire extinguishers, smoke, and carbon monoxide alarms
ㅁ Visually inspect smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) alarms
ㅁ Replace batteries if needed on smoke and CO alarms
ㅁ Check windows and door frames - repair any that are loose or damaged
ㅁ Install weather stripping or caulking around windows and doors
ㅁ Visually inspect plumbing and ensure pipes are well insulated
ㅁ Clean chimney and fireplace (if applicable)
ㅁ Clean baseboards
ㅁ Donate any unwanted household items or clothing