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Saturday, September 17, 2022

Best You Journaling Prompts

Journaling Prompts for Self Discovery

You can study your profession, go to school to become a lawyer, doctor, teacher, or any other profession, however, this type of knowledge can only take you so far.

It is important to understand what motivates you, brings you joy, gives you energy, gives you strength, confidence, and brings passion to your life.  

Deep wisdom of self-knowledge ensures that life is meaningful and is fulfilling for you.  This knowledge is the most valuable and is within you.

Journaling is good for the soul. To truly get to know what your dreams, passions, and joys in life are it takes time for self discovery.  Let's take a look at seven (7) journaling prompts to help you discover more about yourself.  This will help you identify actions and decisions toward your dreams and passions. 

Best you Journaling Prompts
Journaling Helps

Know your Passions and Strengths 

1.)  What is standing in your way right now (what is holding you back?)?    What would happen if you could overcome your obstacle(s)? Or more importantly, what would happen if you didn’t?

  • What fears, worries, self limiting beliefs are holding you back?
  • How would you feel if any obstacles were overcome?
  • What happens if these obstacles can’t be overcome?

2.)  What do I absolutely love in life?

List all the things you love about the world and the people in your life

  • Activities that bring joy, fulfillment, get you excited and make you feel most alive
  • Anything from music, hiking, sports, cycling, traveling, cooking, walking the beach, teaching others, learning, and watching movies. 
  • Within your love for these lies your joy and deep passion.

3.)  What are my greatest accomplishments in life to date?

List all the times you’ve succeeded as well as the moments that make you the most proud. 

  • Anything from graduating school, getting a job, completing your first run, completing a difficult project, to buying your first home, getting your first car
  • Can you identify why you succeeded in these?  Perseverance, a can do attitude, understanding your limits, etc.
  • To accomplish these milestones, some of your key strengths were used. 

Also, jot down a list of things that you complete with ease.  Anything from hobbies, activities, and personal interest that you do with great ease. 

  • Within these lie your greatest strengths.

Values and Lifestyle

4.)  What would I stand for if I knew no one would judge me?

Include your wildest dreams here - List all the things that you would do if fear or worry were eliminated 

  • What passions and unique gifts do I have that I would love to share with the world?
  • Do you have a special interest or passion?

This helps in identifying your greatest values.

5.) If my life had absolutely no limits and I could have it all and do whatever I wanted, what would I choose to have and what would I choose to do?

List what you would do each day knowing you are bound to be successful

  • What kind of person do you want to be?
  • Who would you help?
  • How much money would you earn?
  • Where would you live?
  • How would you use your time?
  • Thinking about these 4 categories:  Career/Money, Relationships/Love, Health/Wellness + Spiritual Evolution, what would you like to accomplish or how would you spend your time in each category?

This helps to identify your ideal lifestyle and allows you to realize who you would truly be if there were no limits. 

Then you can start working towards the life you truly want to create. 

Know that you wouldn’t have a desire to do theses things if you didn’t also have the ability to fulfil it.

Qualities and Dreams

6.)  What would I do if I had one billion dollars?

What would you really love to do if you had all the money in the world?   

  • How would you spend your time if you had all the money in the world?  
  • What activities, what places, what would you like to pursue?

Then what would you do with your time after you achieved all this?

This helps to think without limitations.  Removing limitations and boundaries, helps you discover what you really want to do.

7.) Who do I admire most in the world?

List the people you most admire or character traits you most admire in people.

  • What are the qualities you admire in these people?  
  • How do these people inspire you?
  • What inspires you in this world?  

Know that what you admire about these people and others are also qualities that are in you - you admire someone because they have qualities similar to you.

Journaling Prompts for Self Discovery
Journaling is good for the soul

Final Thoughts:

Thinking through and spending time to answer these questions is important to discovering the knowledge within.  Answering these questions will drive change in your life. 

The more you are aligned with your values, strengths, passions, desires, and motivations the more your days are filled with meaning, purpose, passion and the happier your life becomes!

Be the Best version of yourself by taking little steps each day.  Take action toward your dreams one day at a time and work toward your passions, dreams, and strengths toward the best you.

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I am James Bamberger, an experienced long term investor, MBA, PMP, and Certified Scrum Master who enjoys traveling, the outdoors, family, and spending time with my four kids. You will find Information on leadership, journaling, investing, travel, and the outdoors here. Post a comment if you don't find the information you are looking for. We (my oldest daughter and I) are adding new material often.

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